Open-Earth-Monitor is a EU-Horizon Europe funded project that aims at building an open-source cyber-infrastructure to accelerate uptake of environmental information and help build user communities at European and global levels. It gathers a consortium of 23 organizations across Europe and beyond, starting on 1st of June 2022. The mission of the Open-Earth-Monitor project consortium is to significantly accelerate the uptake of environmental information to guide current and future users in research, decision-making and citizens toward the most sustainable solutions.
Project objectives:
- Produce an inventory of user needs, data and knowledge – that will be used to develop a general framework for increasing uptake and accessibility/exploitability of environmental observation information.
- Achieve notable and permanent improvement – In access for European stakeholders to existing European and global environmental observation data and actionable information.
- Produce a suite of intuitive tools – to enable targeted end-users to monitor the status of natural resources at European and global scales, and production of environmental Business-2-Business solutions.
- Build a comprehensive systematic platform – to enhance the FAIRness (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reusability) of environmental observation data.
- Provide operational solutions – for processing and serving EarthObservation data, environmental in-situ-data, and Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and HPC models (OEMC-computing-engine).