Accounting a climate footprint is an established practice. However, accounting for C capture is largely based on manual methodologies that cannot be easily scaled. The consortium has found a strong market need for a streamlined solution that can be scaled to meet the growing needs of C capture from Land Use, Land Use Change, and Forestry (LULUCF). AgriCapture seizes upon Earth Observation – free and open Copernicus data in particular – to deliver a highly innovative, flexible, and scalable solution for soil C capture projects/initiatives, targeting 1 of the 2 only potential mass C sinks through proven and increasingly popular practices (i.e. Reg Agri).

AgriCapture will develop a systematic, robust and flexible platform for quantifying, verifying, and promoting soil C capture, allowing (i) farmers and other landowners to become “carbon farmers”, (ii) food companies to offset their carbon foot print and offer “zero carbon” products, and (iii) certifying organizations to scale up and automatize their processes. This will be accomplished through a co-creation approach with target users – agricooperatives, an agri-processor, a Reg Agri certifier, and an emission balance certifying organisation – within 5 diverse use cases located across Europe. To support uptake of project results, the project will establish a European Reg Agri Community, which will be used to raise awareness of Reg Agri as a high-potential approach to meeting climate pledges, to coordinate and empower farmers as agents of climate mitigation, and to inform product launch of AgriCapture through first-hand market information and a direct channel to potential customers.
Finally, the project will also undertake dedicated activities to assess, identify and proactively pursue market opportunities, which will lead to several contracts for post-project service provision by the end of the project. Project has started on 1st of January 2021.